An immersion into the life of Nelu, a solitary horse breeder who lives in the Romanian Carpathians in Transylvania.
Year :
Mathieu Le Lay Productions
team :
With Nelu
Photography, editing & direction: Mathieu Le Lay
Assistant Director and Translator : Larisa Oltean Le Lay
Mixing : Laurent Mollard – Gaïné Audio
Music : “Its Been A While” by Justin Marshall, “Sandy Sunrise” by JP
Duration :
5 minutes 12
Official selections :
‣ FMK festival XV edizione Pordenone, Italy
‣ Jefferson State Flixx Festival 2018, United States
‣ Wiesenflimmern 2018, Germany
‣ 12th Arkansas Shorts – A Night of Short Film 2018, United States
"As happiness can mean something different to each person, it's great to be diverse in the way you are and the way you live. Nature is what Nelu has chosen and what makes him who he is. It's something that could inspire us. Just to aspire to a little freedom. Feel the urge to spend a day or two somewhere in the woods. On your own. So that we can stop the hustle and bustle and hear the silence. "
a film by MATHIEU LE LAY
written, directed, edited & produced by MATHIEU LE LAY cinematography by MATHIEU LE LAY assistant director & translator LARISA OLTEAN LE LAY
original music by JUSTIN MARSHALL, JP sound editing & mixing by LAURENT MOLLARD
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